
The purpose of this curriculum is to produce competent, 初级高级紧急医疗技术人员,可以通过紧急医疗服务基础设施为社区提供先进的生命支持护理.  Upon successful completion of the program, 学生将有资格参加弗吉尼亚州国家注册局的考试和认证.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion, students will be able to:

  • Apply fundamental knowledge of the EMS system, safety/well-being of the EMT, 提供紧急护理的医疗/法律和道德问题.
  • Integrate complex knowledge of the anatomy, 生理学, and patho生理学 of the airway, 呼吸, and circulatory system to the practice of EMS.
  • 对紧急医疗服务在突发公共卫生事件中的作用原则有简单的了解.
  • 运用高级EMT在紧急情况下可能推荐几个靠谱的买球网站病人使用的药物的基本知识.
  • 将上呼吸道解剖学和生理学知识应用于患者评估和管理,以确保气道通畅, 对所有年龄的患者进行适当的机械通气和呼吸.
  • Apply scene information and patient assessment findings (scene size-up, primary and secondary assessment, 病人的历史, reassessment) to guide emergency management.
  • 运用基础知识,根据评估结果为休克患者提供基本的和选定的高级急救护理和运输, 呼吸 failure or arrest, cardiac failure or arrest and post resuscitation management.
  • 根据对急性创伤(出血)的评估结果,运用基础知识提供基本的和选择性的高级急救护理和运输, 胸部创伤, 腹部/ GI创伤, 骨科创伤, 软组织损伤, head/facial/neck/spinal trauma, nervous system trauma, environmental) patient.
  • 运用操作角色和职责的基本知识来确保病人, 公共, and personnel safety to include ambulance operations, 事件管理, MCI, 航空医学, vehicle extrication and hazmat awareness.
  • 熟练地执行弗吉尼亚高级EMT提供者实践范围内列出的技能和管理药物.

Opportunities for Employment
中级人员的就业机会包括受雇于消防和救援服务提供者, 医院, 学校系统, 行业, ambulance and transportation services, 当地的, state and federal government agencies, humanitarian relief organizations, 还有军队.

Program Requirements

该计划的入学将根据学院和弗吉尼亚联邦紧急医疗服务办公室的一般入学要求进行管理. 有重罪前科的人可能没有资格参加认证考试.

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • 根据12VAC5-30-270A条款,在项目开始时至少年满18岁.1. 《推荐几个靠谱的买球网站》.
  • Be a high school graduate or have satisfactorily completed the 格.
  • 根据卫生委员会管理紧急医疗服务的规则和条例第12VAC5-30-290条,持有当前有效的弗吉尼亚州紧急医疗技术员证书.
  • Possess and maintain current CPR认证.

Academic Requirements
任何学生在任何必修课程中获得低于“C”的成绩,将被置于项目学术见习. That course shall be remediated once, 起草一份包含补救要求的书面合同. 修读课程的最终成绩必须达到“C”或以上. 如果学生不符合合同要求,将被开除学籍.

Clinical and Behavioral Requirements
选择和监督的学生临床经验是程序所要求的,并将在选择完成, regional health care facilities. The student is responsible for transportation to these facilities, as well as to any scheduled field trips or combined program classes. 项目导师将观察和评估学生的专业能力. 如果学生没有表现出EMS专业人员要求的记录行为, the student may be asked to withdraw from the program.

To be eligible for selection to the program, interested persons should complete the following process by May 15:

  • Submit a college admission application.
  • 向该计划提交在线申请(单独的文件),并附上所需的附件.
  • Take the Program Entrance Exam.
  • 参加VPT分班考试(或提交ASSET, COMPASS, SAT或ACT成绩).
  • Have transcripts of previous college courses sent to MECC.
  • Have high school transcripts sent to MECC.

After May 15th the first round of students will be selected. Selection will be based on previous college coursework, 入学考试成绩, and college placement reading scores. Should openings still be available, 在5月15日之后申请或符合要求的人员将被考虑.

In addition to basic college costs such as tuition and fees, this program requires expenditures for uniforms, 书, 责任保险, CPR认证, immunizations and physical, 测试费用, certification courses and some medical equipment items. 学生也要自己负责到临床地点的交通. 接受该计划的申请人必须提交由持牌医生或执业护士签署的健康证明,并应包括麻疹文件, 季节性流感, 流行性腮腺炎, 乙型肝炎, Rubella (MMR) and chicken pox exposure.

Physical Requirements
This program requires extensive walking, 弯腰, 弯曲, 推, 拉, 爬楼梯, 和提高. Lifting and carrying requirements: at least 125 pounds; Motor coordination is necessary because over uneven terrain, 病人的, 紧急救护的, and other workers’ well-being must not be jeopardized. Further, extensive use of sight, hearing, and speaking is required. EMS服务提供者面临着许多生理和心理上的挑战. 请参阅弗吉尼亚州紧急医疗服务办公室网站,了解更详细的职能职位描述- www.vdh.维吉尼亚州.gov / oem /培训.

认证 and State Approval

该项目由弗吉尼亚紧急医疗服务办公室认证,并与西南弗吉尼亚和弗吉尼亚高地社区学院联合提供. 该计划还获得了联合健康教育计划认证委员会(CAAHEP)的全国认证。, 25400 U. S. Highway 19 North, Suite 158, Clearwater, FL 33763, phone 727-210-2350.

许可 Meets state educational requirements for licensure Does not meet the state educational requirements for licensure MECC has not made a determination on licensure reciprocity
AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO,  NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY ,太


For further information regarding EMS certifications, visit nasemso.org.

Statement for Emergency Medical Services (EMS):

根据美国教育部(US DOE)法规34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v), 靠谱的买球网站急诊医疗服务技术副学士课程为所有未来和现在的学生提供以下信息:

全国协会. EMS官员协会(NASEMSO)规定EMS供应商执照和认证是同义词,国家注册认证在美国50个州中的48个州被认可为互惠.


For Further 信息, Contact